Simple PHP Blog: ---------------- To do list ---------- Assigned Feature Description -------- ----------- ----------- Alex Read More Tag [0%] Only display a portion of the entry on the main page. Click the Read More tag to see the rest of the article. Jesse Mood and song [0%] Move the display of mood and song after the entry text, and before the links (rate and comment) of the entry Go back [0%] When data is submited the user should be redirected to the appropiate page, not always index.php. Example: When rating an entry the user is always redirected to index.php HTML [0%] Make sure the generated output is HTML/XHTML compliant validation Update views [0%] Comment views should be updated even if there are no comments posted In the URLs [0%] Sometimes // is appended to the URL. This causes problems in the blog engine, and also in some web servers. Fix it! Alex Image/File [0%] Enhance the Image Upload feature. Add ability to delete files, move files, create directories, unzip files... Update Alex Anit-Leech / [0%] Add some protection against people stealing bandwidth by hijacking images. Anit-hotlink Alex Guest Book [0%] Optional Guest Book. Alex Links Menu [0%] Add checkbox to the Links Menu to open URLs in new window. Guti 404 static [90%] Add a default static page to show if the requested static page is not found. Also consider making hidden static entries (ie starting with a dot) that are not shown in the links menu Move [0%] Move the sensitive information stored in password.txt to a PHP file to increase security. Also check MD5 issues. But what about PHP obfustators/optimizers. It is compatible? password.txt Mandatory [0%] Include an asterisk in all the input fields that are required fields More themes [50%] Add new themes, and expand the predefined colors palete. Try to get and colors Missing [20%] Search for all the missing translatable strings and add the the the languages files translations Cleanup [5%] Take care of the total memory used by a script. Try to recycle big temporal array, and to unset them as soon as they are not needed Alex Improve [40%] Continue to improve the installation scripts. Detect more cases (like Safe Mode issues.) Installation Alex XML [0%] Switch to XML data format. Document [0%] Document the theme creation, and blog's customization Pingbacks [0%] Consider also supporting pingbacks Edit dates [0%] Ability to edit publish dates in entries, comments and static pages Polls [0%] Implement a new entry type, so we can create customizable polls, and the users can vote